Bread Book

Péter Alpár – Bread Book
book object –  2003
made in Saint George/Transylvania/Romania
materials: bread and paper

The basic concept is our “daily bread” combined with our everyday book, our intellectual values. Our grandparents daily bread and daily meditation and  wisdom melted in one a “books-object” and served on  a home-woven cloth.

Cross in Bread

Előd Izsák – Cross in Bread ( “Kenyerbe vetett kereszt” – from  hungarian)

video installation –  2006
exhibited in Oradea – Transylvania/Romania
bread was made by the artist’s mother in Egerpatak – Transylvania/Romania

Under the bread on a TV-screen a loop video can be seen with a rotating cross graved on the bread-crumb.


cross in bread

The bread’s shape reminds us to the millstone. The rotation of the cross reminds us to an increasingly forgotten ancient tradition – the blessing of the bread (in the bread)

Bread Man

Tatsumi Orimoto – Bread Man

performance –  ’90s
location – Nepal, Germany …

The idea to make a BreadBlog came when I saw an image about one of  Tatsumi Orimoto’s performance.

artist with bread tied around his head
image from

[…]Believe in the power of bread. That was the idea behind Japanese artist Tatsumi Orimoto’s “Bread Man” performance art series in the ’90s. Meant as a unifying symbol of communication, he made his name with the body of work which involved global travel to places like Nepal and Germany with loaves of bread tied around his head while a puzzled public looked or laughed on …