Allan Kaprow – Sweet Wall
Tag: slice
bread slicing by Active Hypocite
Check his Instagram for more stuff
Dányi Zsófi – sketch
2018 Dec. – Eger, Hungary
Part of sketches by the first year graphic design students of the Visual Arts Institute, Eger, Hungary

Walled bread
Gábor Altorjay – Title unknown
Performance, 1968 – Hungary

Gallery. For consumers – Poster for Trafo, Budapest
Trafó house of contemporary arts in Budapest, Hungary produced an “image campaign” around the year 2000, reflecting on the consumable nature of culture.

Visit TRAFO-s website.
Count the dough
“Although it’s impossible to trace the exact date of the first slang usage of “dough” as a term for money, it seems to have originated in the 19th century. Since bread was the traditional everyday necessity of life, to earn one’s living was to earn one’s bread, therefore bread became synonymous with money. On some unknown day, an individual whose identity is lost to historians simply substituted the word dough, and a new slang term came into use. “
Aideen Barry – Untitled
More works on her personal website
Theater poster
Tymon Ateńczyk – theater poster
Poland, 2007
Bread on thermap paper
Holicska István – Our everyday bread