“This elderly Ukrainian lady had her house destroyed in a Russian attack but the oven still works and somebody had to bake Easter cakes for the family right?” @visegrad24
Category: Documentary
Capitalist potlatch
Unknown photographer and place of a known fact: food waste, especially bread
Hospital breakfast
Váncsa Domokos – Hospital breakfast
Romania, 2008
Hospital supper
Juhász Péter – Hospital supper
Hungary, 2015
Conditions in hungarian hospitals getting worst.
We feed the wold
Erwin Wagenhofer- We Feed The World
documentary movie – 2005, Austria
movie locations: France, Spain, Romania, Switzerland, Brazil and Austria.
A very good concise movie about the dark side of global food industry. It shows very well that the consumer have the power to change all this by being well informed and of course – act
“Every day in Vienna the amount of unsold bread sent back to be disposed of is enough to supply Austria’s second-largest city, Graz.”
It’s an ugly contrast between the bread as symbol of Jesus’s body and this bread as garbage.
You can watch this part of the movie on YouTube here.