The twelve months

The twelve months –  Kürti Andrea
folktale, illustration, diapositive – 2018, Hungary

The poor widow is forced to leave the house to seek food for her hungry children. In the woods she founds a tent, where 12 guys are having the lunch. After talking with them, at the end they give her a pot of gold. When she arrives home  her envious and always dissatisfied neighbour, also visits the guys, but the tent-dwellers will surprise her with other gifts.

Illustration by Kürti Andrea

Buy the diapositive here or visit the illustrator’s website.

Good Friday miracle

Good Friday miracle: Zsolt Semjén (minister without portfolio) transforms bread into a vagina to stop decreasing the Hungarian population.

Nagypénteki csodatétel: Semjén Zsolt pinává változtatja a kenyeret, hogy megállítsa a Magyarok fogyását.


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